How to get the Informix instance IPC shared memory segment base address in Hexadecimal?

(1) Get SERVERNUM value from onconfig:

$ onstat -c | grep SERVERNUM

(2) Convert SERVERNUM value from Decimal (base10) to Hexadecimal (base16):

Decimal 2 = Hex 2
= 0x2

Note: you may use ms-windows “calc” programmer view.

(3) Apply this fomular with Hexadecimal calculation:

IPC Shared Mem Address = (SERVERNUM_In_Hex * 0x10000) + 0x52564801
= (0x2 * 0x10000) + 0x52564801
= 0x20000 + 0x52564801
= 0x52584801

(4) Therefore, you will get the IPC shared memory address started from 0x52584801..

$ ipcs -m | grep 5258480

key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x52584801 92864520 root 660 2606284800 68 locked
0x52584802 92897299 root 660 2097152000 68 locked
0x52584803 92930070 root 666 561152 68

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