Tracing Locks in Table level on informix

Tracing Locks in Table level on informix

# Find out the hex partnum number of the table

dbaccess sysmaster –
select hex(partnum),owner from systabnames where tabname=”table_name”;


> select hex(partnum),owner,dbsname from systables where tabname=”country”;

(expression) owner dbsname

0x004004E5 grefdev gref420_cit3

1 row(s) retrieved.


(expression) 0x004004E5
owner grefdev
dbsname gref420_cit3
tabname country

#Note : Take note of partition patnum and lockid of the table by using “oncheck”

oncheck -pt gref420_cit3:country |more

Partition partnum
Partition lockid

# Note: To Confirm dbsname,owner,tablename by using partnum

dbaccess sysmaster –

> select * from sysmaster:systabnames where partnum=HEX(partnum);
dbaccess sysmaster –

> select * from sysmaster:systabnames where partnum=HEX(4195557);

partnum 4195557
dbsname gref420_cit3
owner grefdev
tabname country
collate en_US.819

1 row(s) retrieved.

( ensure by converting partnum DeCimal to HEX using calculate)

# Try to find the blocker user thread address using “onstat –k” grep with the hex partnum number of the table

onstat -k | tail -6 | awk ‘{if ($6 !=100002) {print $0}}’

onstat -k |grep -i

onstat -k | grep -i 4004E5

449f4e58 0 59fa8db8 0 S 100002 306 0

#– get blocker session id –#

onstat -u | grep

onstat -u | grep 59fa8db8

#– get blocker session info –#

onstat -g ses

onstat -g ses 39612

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC9 — On-Line — Up 27 days 19:18:57 — 594180 Kbytes

session effective #RSAM total used dynamic
id user user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
39612 grefdev – – -1 23.252.1 1 790528 487192 off

tid name rstcb flags curstk status
88085 sqlexec 5f5f1418 Y-BP— 5152 cond wait netnorm –

#—Note:Below to can check for hostname longer then 8 characters :—#

Query sysmaster:syssessions view.

$ dbaccess sysmaster –
> select sid, username, hostname from syssessions where sid=;

/* session id is in integer */


$ dbaccess sysmaster –
> select sid, username, hostname from syssessions where sid=39612;
sid 39612
username grefdev

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