PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.mydb.db
CRS-2640: Required resource ‘ora.ARC2_DG.dg’ is missing.
How to remove the ASM resource from CRS start/stop dependency?
Applies to:
Oracle 11gR2 RAC
(2 node RAC with 11gR2 in RHEL 5.3 x86_64)
I was having 2 ASM diskgroup (ARC1_DG & ARC2_DG) assigned for archive logs and standby Dataguard when first RAC .
Due to some reason that management want to merge these 2 diskgroups into one (ARC1_DG).
I confimed that ARC2_DG was not contain any file and diskgroup ARC2_DG dropped successfully.
I would like to share how to change SYSMAN password in Oracle 10g (10.1 & 10.2) and 11gR1.
Applies to:
Oracle RDBMS 10.1, 10.2 & 11.1
Few months back, we were doing OS migration for database servers.
From: HP-UX 11.11 (PA RISC), Oracle 10gR2 ( RAC
To: HP-UX 11.23 (ia64), Oracle 10gR2 ( RAC with PSU2
The data migration approach was EXPDB and IMPDP with data pump and we encounter following bug (described in metalink notes).
Bug 5598333: EXPDP/IMPDP corrupts the data for a LONG column